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Chicken Parmigiana - a delicious and unique dish of Italy

Chicken Parmigiana is a dish with a typical flavor of Italy as well as some European countries. The main ingredients to prepare the dish are quite suitable for Vietnamese taste and easy to find, so you can make it at home to change the taste for your family..

Ingredients for Chicken Parmigiana

- Chicken breast: 300g

- Crispy flour: 100g

- Buffaki mozzaella cheese: 5 pieces

- Parmesan cheese: 3 pieces

Tomato sauce

- Tomatoes: 5 fruits

- Onions: 1 bulb

- Sugar: a little

- Crispy flour: 100g

- 50g cold cuts, bread, milk, salad, salt, pepper

How to make chicken Parmigiana
- Wash the chicken, cut the chicken breast into 2 bite-sized pieces.

- Marinate with salt, pepper and fresh milk for about 15 minutes to absorb the spices.

- Then coat the marinated chicken with crispy flour.

- Heat the oil in a pan, fry the chicken until golden brown on both sides, remove and set aside.

- Wash the tomatoes and onions, dice them. Then put them in a blender and puree.

- Heat oil in a pan, add tomatoes and onions and cook until thick, season to taste.

- Place bread on a tray, arrange salad and cold cuts, then spread tomato sauce on top.

- Continue to spread buffalo mozzarella cheese on top, then parmesan cheese on top.

- Bake for about 8 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Serve chicken Parmigiana on a plate, enjoy.

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